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Graduation Caps


This is the introduction to your project. It’s where you offer an overview of the main ideas you’ll be presenting. Begin by outlining the topic you’ve chosen, and then continue by explaining your specific point of view or argument. Your introduction is the hook to engage your audience so make sure yours is clear, concise and focused.

The Premise

My Elementary School Project

How I did It

Tackling this project required breaking it into several phases. The most important stage was outlining my goals and defining the research questions. Once these were in place, I spent hours at the school library, surfed the net for online resources and carried out various experiments and tests. Writing came next, and the outcome is here for you to judge. Would love to hear your thoughts and comments - contact me at school or by email!


This is a great space to update your audience with information about your video. Give them specific details like what it’s about, where and when it was filmed, and who created, directed, and is featured in it.


“There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating--people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing”

Oscar Wilde

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